What is the assessment plan, and why is it important? The assessment plan is a document provided by your child’s school when the IEP team feels that more information is needed. Any time the school district wants to conduct formal testing, including during initial evaluations or three year reevaluations (triennials), they need parent consent in the form of a signed assessment plan. Once they receive a signed plan from you, they will have 60 days to complete the proposed assessments and hold an IEP meeting to discuss the results.
When you receive an assessment plan, be sure to check a few key details. First, make sure all of the suspected areas of need will be addressed in the plan. If they aren’t, write them down on the plan!
Second, make sure qualified assessors are conducting the assessments. For example, if there are fine or gross motor concerns, make sure the Occupational Therapist, Adaptive PE Teacher, or Physical Therapist will be a part of the assessment process, and not just the school psychologist. If they aren’t included but you feel their expertise is needed, you can also write them on the assessment plan.
Third, make sure you understand which areas of need the school has identified and whether or not you agree with assessing in those areas. You can always reach out to your child’s case manager to get an answer to your questions (preferably in writing!).
The last step after signing your child’s assessment plan is to make a copy for your records. If you end up disagreeing with the assessment results or if the district doesn’t do what they said they would throughout the process, this will be an important piece to use when asking for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE’s) in the future.
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