Since schools shut down back in 2020, one of the main concerns I hear from parents is the lack of social opportunities for their children. Students with disabilities often have trouble making and/or maintaining friendships and rely on the opportunity to interact with peers in the classroom every day.
Now that schools are back in person, I’ve had many parents express concerns about how to make up for those lost social opportunities. Some districts are acknowledging social skills regressions and providing compensatory services, but many are not.
Social clubs are one under-utilized resource for students with disabilities. Most schools have a variety of different clubs that meet on campus during lunch or right after school, and the topics can vary from video game enthusiasts to service projects to music appreciation and more. Most clubs are student driven, so the topics vary depending on what the student body is interested in.
If you’d like to increase social opportunities for your child at school but don’t have an IEP team keen on providing compensatory services, ask about the various clubs offered at your child’s school! Your child has a right to participate in social clubs just like any other student at the school, and the IEP team can discuss any accommodations that would be needed in order for your child to participate.

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