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  • Writer's pictureSarah Tira

Positive Thinking

As more schools transition to more in person learning over the next few weeks, remember that our children are watching us. Change is difficult even in the most ideal of circumstances, and there will more than likely be bumps in the road over the next few weeks.

I have seen some excellent examples of front loading by school teams over the last week. One principal created YouTube videos of the changes on campus and new policies to help familiarize students before they return. Teachers are offering virtual tours of their classrooms and providing social stories to discuss what students should expect.

Even the most prepared of teams won’t be able to account for every possibility; quarantines may need to happen. Schedules may need to change. Ideally this transition will go off without a hitch, but if this year has taught me anything, it’s that we should expect the unexpected.

If you have concerns about what your child’s in person learning program will look like, be sure to ask their school team for clarification. Regardless of how much time your child will spend on campus, continue to document how things are going. Email your child’s case manager with concerns. Monitor service delivery to make sure your child receives what their IEP says they should receive. And, don’t be afraid to call an IEP meeting if needed. Communication will be the key to your child’s success!

Through it all, remember that our kids are looking to us to see how we handle this stress. Try to use this transition as an opportunity to model appropriate ways to handle a difficult situation. We will get through this!

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