Make sure to pay attention to what your local educational agency, most commonly the school district, is doing over these next couple of months! LEAs need to plan for distance-learning and how to make it rigorous and effective. The public will get a say in this plan, so keep an eye out for meeting information. Let’s make sure districts remember our kids with IEP’s!

#iep #iepmeeting #relatedservices #iepteam #specialneeds #specialeducationteacher #specialeducation #specialneedsparent #specialneedsparenting #sandiegoparent #sandiegospecialneeds #sandiego #sandiegospecialeducationadvocates #advocate #advocacy #advocatelikeamother #specialneedsadvocacy #compliance #IEPcompliance #onlinelearning #distancelearning #problemsolving #stayhealthy #stayhealthysandiego #togetherathome #socialdistancing #lea #lcap #sb98