It happens to everyone: eventually, your child will be an adult! When your child has special needs, this can be an overwhelming thought. There is so much to prepare them for! Will they have a job? Will they need help getting to/from that job or performing job tasks? Will they go to school or a vocational training program? Where will they live? Will they need financial assistance or daily living supports? The good news for parents is that you won’t need to answer these questions all at once, and you don’t need to answer them alone. Your child’s IEP team is there to help. There is a piece of the IEP called the Transition Plan and it helps you answer these very questions. The transition plan also has a section for goals and includes the different ways that your child’s school will help to prepare them for their future plans. Usually IEP teams start discussing the transition from high school around age 15, but you can ask to start even earlier if you’d like. It’s a great idea to involve your child in this process, as well!

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