The IEP process is meant to empower families, but parents often feel overwhelmed or outnumbered by professionals on the team. We help parents contribute confidently as IEP team members so that their child gets the best education possible. We want to help you, the parent, feel sure of your child's IEP and happy with the decisions made by your child's IEP team.

We can help you by:
Navigating the assessment and eligibility process
Reviewing and explaining educational records
Observing your child in the classroom
Problem solving with other members of the IEP team
Attending school and regional center meetings, including but not limited to: Behavior Manifestation Determinations, 504s, Triennial IEP's, Annual IEP's, Transition IEP's
Preparing for and debriefing after meetings
Presenting an informational parent workshop for your organization about the IEP basics
Much more!
We can support you via:
Coaching and support in the background
Attending meetings with you
Meeting over the phone
Meeting in person

We have advocacy experience in:
Filing California Department of Education Compliance Complaints
Assessments for IEP eligibility
Triennial assessments and meetings
A-G Diploma Eligibility
Moderate/Severe classrooms, including life skills
Transitions to different programs/schools
1:1 aide support
504 Plan eligibility
Prior Written Notices
And more!