Each time your child’s IEP changes via an amendment, during an annual review, after an assessment, or for any other reason, the school district must obtain parental consent before implementing any of the proposed changes. This parental consent is a powerful tool!
Each district’s IEP signature page looks a little different, but for the most part they all include three options for consent. The first option is that you, the parent, consent to all parts of the new IEP. The second is that you do not consent to any of the new IEP. The third option says something to the effect of, “I consent to all parts of my child’s IEP except,” and then has a space for you to list the specific areas you disagree with. This third option is one I have my clients use when they don’t agree with particular goals, service minute changes, changes in placement, or any other section of the IEP.
When a parent partially consents to an IEP, the district will implement the most recently approved sections of the child’s IEP. Here’s an example: Let’s imagine that a child was receiving 30 minutes per week of speech therapy. At a new IEP meeting, the IEP team proposes reducing those minutes to 15 minutes per week. If the parent disagrees with this change, they can sign in partial consent to the IEP with the exception of the change in speech therapy minutes. The district would then need to continue providing 30 minutes of speech therapy per week until an agreement can be reached. This allows the school team to begin work on any new IEP goals, any other agreed upon services, etc while you figure out a way to resolve the disputed areas.
Of course, if you agree to all parts of your child’s IEP, sign in full consent. But if you do not agree to something, don’t be afraid to use that third option and sign in partial consent!

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