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Sarah Tira
Oct 29, 20243 min read
Scheduling IEP Meetings Part 3: The Meeting Notice
Whenever the district plans to hold an IEP meeting for your child, they are supposed to give you notice early enough to ensure that you...
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Sarah Tira
Oct 23, 20242 min read
Scheduling Your Child’s IEP Meeting, Part 2
Last week, we discussed the required members of your child’s IEP team. But, there are additional members who often should also be in...
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Sarah Tira
Oct 15, 20242 min read
Required IEP Team Members
In this next blog series, we’ll discuss what you need to know when scheduling your child’s IEP meeting: who is required to attend, who...
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Sarah Tira
Sep 22, 20242 min read
🗺️ Where is your kid? 🗺️ 📍Do you know where in your child’s IEP you can find information about how much time they spend in a separate...
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Sarah Tira
Sep 5, 20241 min read
📚✏️Back to School Checklist Summary
✅ Summary ✨In summary, over my past four posts we’ve talked about ways you can set up your child and their IEP team for success this...
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Sarah Tira
Sep 1, 20242 min read
📚✏️Back to School Checklist Step 4
✅ Step 4️⃣ ✨Do you know how your child did on their IEP goals at the end of last school year? Do you know if they regressed at all over...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 27, 20242 min read
📚✏️Back to School Checklist Step 3
✅ Step 3️⃣ ✨Once you’ve gotten in contact with IEP team members and feel confident that your child’s IEP is being implemented...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 22, 20241 min read
📚✏️Back to School Checklist Step 2
✅ Step 2️⃣ ✨After you’ve made an initial contact with the professionals supporting your child this year, I advise clients that it’s...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 17, 20241 min read
📚✏️Back to School Checklist🏫🧑🏫
✨Now that most San Diego schools are back in session, I’ve heard from several parents who want to make sure they start the school year...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 12, 20241 min read
San Diego SEA is expanding!
Please join us in welcoming Emily Leach to the San Diego SEA team as an administrative assistant. Emily is currently a graduate student...
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Sarah Tira
Oct 19, 20222 min read
IEP Goal Baselines
How can you measure progress if you don’t know where you’re starting from? IEP goal progress determines so much about your child’s...
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Sarah Tira
Nov 5, 20211 min read
Opportunities for Socialization
Since schools shut down back in 2020, one of the main concerns I hear from parents is the lack of social opportunities for their...
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Sarah Tira
Sep 15, 20212 min read
IEP Meeting Attendance
In previous posts we’ve discussed how and when to call an IEP meeting, but do you know who should be at the meeting when it actually...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 25, 20212 min read
Calling an IEP Meeting
Especially this year, I have had a number of clients asking how often they are allowed to have IEP meetings. The short answer is: as...
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Sarah Tira
Aug 14, 20212 min read
Partial Parental Consent on the IEP
Each time your child’s IEP changes via an amendment, during an annual review, after an assessment, or for any other reason, the school...
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Sarah Tira
Jul 12, 20212 min read
Preparing for a New School Year
📚📝💻 As we prepare for the new school year, I like to recommend that parents help their child develop an “all about me“ type of...
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Sarah Tira
Sep 13, 20191 min read
Physical Therapy
Does your child require physical therapy and/or adaptive devices while in school? A great way to ensure their use and make sure everyone...
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Sarah Tira
Jun 5, 20191 min read
Goal Met
How do you know when your child has met their IEP goals? Are they observable and measurable? Have you been able to see the data? Does it...
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Sarah Tira
May 20, 20191 min read
Summer is Coming
The saga of summer is one of the joys of parenthood! Kids may have all the toys in the world, but there’s still “nothing to do.” Even my...
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