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Writer's pictureSarah Tira

Required IEP Team Members

In this next blog series, we’ll discuss what you need to know when scheduling your child’s IEP meeting: who is required to attend, who else could/should be there, how should you be notified of the meeting, and what should you include on that meeting notice?

When it’s time for an IEP meeting for your child, there are certain people who need to be in attendance. These people are:

💫 You! You, the parent, are an incredibly important IEP team member. You know your child better than anyone else at that table. The team can’t make changes to the implementation of the IEP without your consent. The team needs to ensure you participated and that you understand the offer presented to you.

💫LEA Representative- This person is usually some sort of district administrator. LEA stands for “Local Educational Agency” and is another word for the district. Sometimes school psychologists or retired administrators act in this role as an admin designee. Regardless of who fills this role, this person should be able to speak for the district. If you make a requested change to your child’s IEP, this person has the authority to say yes or no to the request.

💫Special Education Teacher- Some districts call this person your child’s case manager. They may or may not teach a class your child is in, but they need to have knowledge of your child’s IEP and how to implement the specialized academic instruction your child needs to succeed in school.

💫General Education Teacher- If your child attends general education classes for any part of the day, or if they might attend general education in the near future, a general ed teacher needs to attend your child’s meeting. Best practice is to have your child’s current general education teacher attend the meeting, but any general education teacher familiar with your child’s grade level curriculum can meet in their place.

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